Westwood Domestic Violence Lawyer
Defending Domestic Violence Charges in Norfolk County
Charges of Domestic Violence carry very significant penalties including the potential for a long jail sentence. Additionally, these types of cases can result in long terms of probations, anger management classes, the batterer’s program and many other conditions.
Massachusetts criminal law defines a “domestic relationship” as two people who:
- Are or have ever been married.
- Are or have ever lived in the same home.
- Have a child together.
- Are or have been in a “substantive dating relationship.”
What Is Considered a “Substantive Dating Relationship”?
A judge will look at a number of criteria to determine if two people were in a substantive dating relationship. The judge will consider the length of the relationship, the type of relationship, how often the two people saw each other, and, if the relationship is now over, how long it has been over.
If the Victim Drops the Case Can the State Prosecutor Still Press Charges?
Yes, this is a common misconception in criminal cases. The victim cannot “drop the charges.” The two parties in the any criminal case are the defendant and the state. It is the state’s case against you and only the state (the District Attorney’s Office or Attorney General’s Office) can drop the charges (either by making a motion to dismiss or filing a nolle prosequi). There may be circumstances in which a victim cannot be forced to testify in a criminal case and, therefore, the state may not be able to proceed in their case against you. This can occur if a victim has a 5th Amendment Right not to testify in each case, can assert the “Marital Privilege” so that they do not have to testify against their husband or wife, or have some other reason why they cannot be forced to testify.
Schedule your free phone consultation with an attorney at Eisenstadt Law
by filling out our confidential contact form or by calling (617) 397-5755. Serving Clients in Norfolk, Suffolk, Plymouth, Barnstable, Bristol, Essex & Middlesex Counties.
Frequently Asked Questions About Domestic Violence
Do I Have to Live with the Person for a Domestic Violence Charge to Occur?
No. Living together is one possible way that charges can be considered domestic violence. However, there are other types of relationships that can give rise to those charges as well such as having a child together or being related.
If I Plea to the Charge, Can I Have My Record Sealed?
Massachusetts does provide for ways to have your record sealed in many cases. Depending on the outcome of your case, there may be a waiting period to apply to have it sealed, or you may be able to apply the same day that it is resolved.
What Happens if I Plea to the Charge?
Any charge of domestic violence carries a wide range of possible sentences. You have an absolute right to a trial in any criminal case. If you decide to change your plea, however, it is important that your attorneys negotiate with the district attorney’s office and make a strong presentation to the judge to avoid a lengthy jail sentence in your case. In cases of domestic violence, in addition to any sentence of jail or probation that may be imposed, judges will often also order that the defendant attend anger management classes or a batterer’s program.

What Makes Our Firm Different?
We Don't Back Down From a Challenge

Our firm consists of local attorneys who have worked in the area for years. Each attorney is familiar with the courts and has a great reputation within the legal field.
At Eisenstadt Law, our firm offers a free initial consultation to learn more about your case and to ensure our team is the best fit for you.
Our legal team does not back down from a challenge. We fight to ensure that the rights, futures and freedoms of our clients are protected.
Our attorneys have successfully helped thousands of clients reach a positive outcome in their cases. We have achieved this by using our experience and expertise to our advantage.
We are available 24/7 to best suit the needs of our clients. We pride ourselves on providing each of our clients and their cases with the personal attention and commitment that they deserve.

Client Success Stories
Read What Past Clients Had to Say
“They took their time and clearly explained the legal process and what their approach to the case would be. Needless to say, we hired Eisenstadt Law and could not have been more satisfied with their service.”- L.S.
“My friend was right to send me your way for my case. I never thought anyone could have gotten me out of trouble but you did it.”- J. S.
“We could not believe how quickly you were able to get our son out of jail and were even more impressed with how you were able to get the case thrown out. He was lucky to have lawyers like you on his side.”- J. & B. L.
“I thought I was going to lose everything I had until that first court hearing in probate court. The judge immediately agreed with Ed’s arguments and the next week, Joe had the restraining order dismissed.”- K. B.
“They reviewed the case with me and explained the legal issues more clearly than any of the other lawyers I had met with. When I eventually met Joe in court I knew that all three of these guys had what it took to defend me.”- R. S.
“I knew that I had not done the things that they charged me with but didn’t know how to prove it. I was going to lose my job if the complaint got issued in the clerk’s hearing so it was such a big deal that you kept the police from getting a com”- G. J.
“They were efficient and professional. My girlfriend would not stop charging me with false charges of assault and restraining order violations. The DA kept trying to hold me without bail but they didn’t let that happen! Thanks!”- D. L.
“We never had any doubt that we were in goods hands with Eisenstadt Law. Our legal matter was handled quickly and with with such care and attentiveness, we felt as if we were their only clients.”- S.S.

Why Clients Choose to Work With Us
Read How We Have Helped Previous Clients
Case Dismissed Assault and Battery
Case Dismissed Assault and Battery
Case Dismissed Assault and Battery with a Dangerous Weapon
Pre-trial Probation Breaking and Entering, Resisting Arrest, Disorderly Conduct
Not Guilty Domestic Assault and Battery
Case Dismissed Felony Larceny